This is my friend Taylor with a frog we caught when we went frog catching! It was so much fun as you can see!!
This was one of the frogs we caught! It was hard to take a picture becuase it was always jumping!
This is my friend Taylor with a frog we caught when we went frog catching! It was so much fun as you can see!!
This was one of the frogs we caught! It was hard to take a picture becuase it was always jumping!
This is Taylor again but this time, she is doing a back hand spring thing! Its sooo cool. She helped me to one but not exactly like that and trust me, It is way harder then you think!!
This one was of my lovely bowling shoes and little missmatched socks! I think this picture is funny!
Thanx for reading! Comment and tell me what you think!
The year's at the spring
And the day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hillside's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn:
God's in His heaven-
All's right with the world
Thanks for reading and please post a comment and tell me what you think!
This one is my favourite one! It looks really neat! I just love it!